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Epistemology Philosophy
The Objects of Credence
$5.99 $7.19
An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy)
$11.77 $14.12
Non-Ideal Epistemology
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy)
$11.93 $14.32
Leibniz, Husserl and the Brain
The View From Nowhere
Reference and Existence: The John Locke Lectures
$22.59 $27.11
Epistemology: Classic Problems and Contemporary Responses (Elements of Philosophy)
$35.17 $42.20
Grounding, Fundamentality and Ultimate Explanations (Elements in Metaphysics)
$22.21 $26.65
Plato's Epistemology: Being and Seeming
$15.3 $18.36
Deliberate Ignorance: Choosing Not to Know (Strüngmann Forum Reports)
$7.49 $8.99
History and Philosophy of Expertise, A: The Nature and Limits of Authority
$35.54 $42.65
Kant's Reason: The Unity of Reason and the Limits of Comprehension in Kant
$39.89 $47.87
Philosophy 1: A Guide through the Subject
Heidegger's Concept of Truth (Modern European Philosophy)
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge, 3rd Edition
The Evidential Foundations of Probabilistic Reasoning
$15.53 $18.64
Seeing Things as They Are: A Theory of Perception
$24.4 $29.28
Reclaiming Reality (Classical Texts in Critical Realism (Routledge Critical Realism))
Free Will: Philosophers and Neuroscientists in Conversation
$40.97 $49.16
Pragmatism and Objectivity (Routledge Studies in American Philosophy)
$41.46 $49.75
Do the Humanities Create Knowledge?
The Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)
A Social History of Knowledge II: From the Encyclopedie to Wikipedia
$11.13 $13.36
Kant and the Claims of the Empirical World
$10.13 $12.16
Robust Realism in Ethics: Normative Arbitrariness, Interpersonal Dialogue, and Moral Objectivity
$10.23 $12.28
The Bounds of Sense: An Essay on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (Routledge Classics)
$16.38 $19.66
Knowledge and Its Limits
$1.51 $1.81
Philosophy of Social Science: The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought (Traditions in Social Theory)
$41.42 $49.70
Hermeneutics: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
$49 $58.80
Depth: An Account of Scientific Explanation
$30.47 $36.56
Morality and Agency: Themes from Bernard Williams
$33.8 $40.56
Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy)
Rationality Through Reasoning
Philosophy for Graduate Students: Metaphysics and Epistemology
$50.99 $61.19
Self-Knowledge (New Problems of Philosophy)
$49.06 $58.87
The Science Of Knowing: J.g. Fichte's 1804 Lectures On The Wissenschaftslehre (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance
$44.99 $53.99
Critique of the Power of Judgment (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant)
Transformative Experience
$41.99 $50.39
Truth: A Guide
$27.63 $33.16
Against Epistemology
$42.96 $51.55
How Do You Know?: A Dialogue (Hackett Philosophical Dialogues)
$16.59 $19.91
Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)
$60.01 $72.01
Scepticism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
$40 $48.00
Signals: Evolution, Learning, and Information
$45.05 $54.06
Gadamer: Hermeneutics, Tradition, and Reason (Key Contemporary Thinkers)
$73.36 $88.03
Body, Mind, and Death
$31.95 $38.34
Knowing and the Known
$57.2 $68.64
The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology (Oxford Handbooks)
$57.94 $69.53
Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology
$8.95 $10.74
The Unity of Perception: Content, Consciousness, Evidence
$21.7 $26.04
The Philosophy of Curiosity (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)
$30.35 $36.42
Knowledge and the Gettier Problem
$35 $42.00
Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, Second Edition
$90.74 $108.89
Epistemic Justification
$42.65 $51.18
Regimes of Description: In the Archive of the Eighteenth Century
$33.17 $39.80
Truthmaking (Elements in Metaphysics)
$6.09 $7.31
Contemporary Debates in Epistemology (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
$27.93 $33.52
$37.95 $45.54